Orange Is the New Black Season 5

Season 5 is OITNB's most contested season yet, and probably its most unpopular. I wasn't disappointed, personally, but there are certain reasons why the season didn't shine quite as much as its predecessors. 

This season constitutes OITNB's most unique story line, but as a result of this has left some viewers disappointed. If you have watched season 4 it will be no spoiler that episode 1 begins with Daya holding a gun to Humphrey's head, after he was allowed to bring it in by Piscatella- the catalyst for why this riot occurs. Piscatella brought terror into the prison in the last season, raising questions of gender, race, prisoner treatment and violence in Litchfield. He was a very clever narrative device for moving the show past prison life and into something more chaotic. But this is where viewership held problems with the show. Both my siblings and several friends (and several more legitimate critics) have said the riot narrative leaves too many plot-lines open, resulting in not one you necessarily care about. OITNB always asks you to see both sides of the story, but sometimes when you're asked to see 6 viewpoints at once we can lose interest. Also there were times towards the end when some plots felt like they were going round in circles and stalling until the last episode, which isn't great scripting. But, nonetheless, I felt this was all at the cost of seeing a different side to Litchfield, and there are several reasons why I think the show redeemed itself. Some of these are personal, but some are also things I think everyone is guaranteed to enjoy.

Less Piper
Definitely a personal preference this one, but I was so glad to see less of Piper in this season. I mean she's still there, but in a capacity that isn't as annoying and forced as her gang leadership attempts / failed underwear business. The past two seasons I felt like her role was done, and the way she was used just got boring. Plus Piper is annoying and needy as fuck and there's only so much you can watch of that.

Something that is a general consensus, is that this is the funniest season yet. Out of nowhere come some cracking one liners, particularly from my new favourite character- Skinhead Helen. Who'd have known that tongue in cheek nazi humour could be so entertaining.

Minor Characters and Flashbacks
A bi-product of there being less Piper is that supporting characters come to the forefront and minor characters have more recognition. Although this results in the messy and mixed up narratives some people dislike, learning more about Frieda, for example, was one of my favourite episodes. The flashbacks have always been an integral part of OITNB, and in this season I really feel like they come into their own.

Although I loved this season, the ending made me feel like a next season isn't necessary. I have an inkling that (it being one of Netflix's most popular shows) there will be a season 6, and I doubt I'll have as much praise for it as this one. You'll see what I mean when you get to episode 13.


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