Mother! (The most disappointing film of the year)

I am a big fan of Darren Aronofsky. I think Black Swan, Pi and Requiem for a Dream are all fantastic- masterpiece's in their own right and, each, experimental in different ways. Mother! obviously attempted to monopolise on the success of Black Swan, imitating its style and structure but, ultimately, failing and disappointing faithfuls to Aronofsky, like me. When I heard that people booed at Cannes I just thought oh fuck off they obviously can't handle it. Now, booing might be a bit unfair, but after seeing it I understand their discontent.

I was in denial for the whole film, convinced that it was all going to fall into place at the end and make total sense, in an Aronofsky sort of way. What I love about Black Swan is that it seamlessly enters reality at the end and all the dysphoria and absurdist techniques are made worth it by that penny drop moment, and Natalie Portman's end. Mother!, alternately, is completely metaphorical. The ridiculousness of the plot never re-enters reality because that is the narrative's reality. This reality, however, couldn't decide what it was. If the plot had stuck to one metaphor and alluded to others, it would have been okay. Instead, it flirted between feminist doctrines, environmental concerns and religious imagery and mimicry of the bible. We can all agree, that is too much even for the brightest of brains.

The people I went to see the film with said that Jennfier Lawrence was boring, and a terrible fit for the role. I disagree, I think that Lawrence was perfectly embodying what was intended, its just that the intention was wrong, rather than her acting. Her beautiful figure was a perfect representation if she were mother earth, and her pale, untelling face a demure, submissive woman. Or wait, was she meant to be the Virgin Mary, or Eve? Who the fuck knows.

To say anymore would reveal the plot too much, and I do think if you enjoy Aronofsky's style then you should go see this. Just be warned the cinematography is very repetitive, and as I said, you might not have a clue what political issue its trying to address but just go along with it. I did and I feel like I have made an open minded judgement, rather than a biased one based on a petty dislike for Jennifer Lawrence's face / Aronofsky's obsession with the weird.


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