AHS Cult
Why American Horror Story Cult is Making me A Very Happy Fan
First of all, this is approximately how happy I am about the return of American Horror Story:
Seasons 1, 2 and 5 of AHS are my favourite TV of. all. time. They're not the best made, or the most intelligent, but I absolutely love what they are. Consequently, I have sat through 3 other seasons of absolute shite, with the hope that one day it would return to what its capable of. Season 5 was a teaser, and then 6 just went back to pointless gore and ridiculousness. I was very annoyed. As soon as I saw the premise for season 7, however, I knew things were looking up. It has abandoned gimmick and the supernatural and instead is focusing on the capabilities of the human mind within a quintessentially American problem- the Trump election.

Although only two episodes of the season have been released, I am already seeing ways in which it hones back to season 1 (which was the show's peak of quality). From the outset we are slightly confused, and you can tell the show is building up to something utterly shocking, instead of opening with the something scary for the sake of it. I LOVE Winter as a new character, reminiscent of Wednesday from The Adam's Family we are unsure of her intentions but you know they're going to be essential. I'm also ecstatic that Sarah Paulson is back at the forefront, like in Asylum she is an incredible actress that flys above some of the people they featured in Roanoake. Creepy motifs such as the pinky swear and the return of Twisty the Clown mean that you are always made to feel uneasy, although why yet, we are not quite sure. I'm sure the season has some great things to come. And any long lasting fans of the show will know that Evan Peters as the antagonist means its going in a good, and sufficiently terrifying, direction.
If you haven't watched AHS yet because the ads seem to be too fucked up for your tastes, I'd say go watch season 1 and then, if you like it, skip to this season week by week. I'm a very happy bunny now my favourite show seems to be redeeming itself and, simultaneously, putting the finger up to everyone's favourite, fake tanned buffoon of a president.
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